Category: IATI / Donor Reporting

10 common mistakes to avoid for IATI publishers
IATI regularly organizes community events, where members and interested parties share knowledge and experiences. Recently, the IATI Virtual Community Exchange was held. Spread over two days, there were both plenary and parallel workshop sessions on transparency, data use, analytics and new initiatives. Some sessions were theoretical and conceptual, but most sessions were very practical. So…

The end of Excel? It can be done! Real-life experiences.
The other day I spoke to an enthusiastic controller who, after a few strong cups of coffee, proudly announced that he wanted to show me something. “This is really great”, he said. His face looked a bit like my son’s just after telling him we are going to the zoo. “Look”, he said…

IATI upgrade to version 2.03 – co-working on more effective aid
In our new version of ProjectConnect, we have made the publication of IATI v2.03 possible, so that ProjectConnect remains up-to-date and complies with the rules and guidance of the IATI Standard. The upgrade of our IATI module in ProjectConnect aims to improve the quality and usability of data which is now possible in the language of…