Communication and collaboration ProjectConnect

The idea behind our IT solution is to focus on the project. As per definition it is easy to set-up, easy to deploy and easy to use. ProjectConnect is designed to be configurable to fit your organization’s requirements. Whether you are managing your own projects or collaborating with (local) partners who share your objectives.

Maximize your social impact

ProjectConnect can maximize your desired social impact. It supports your project flow, starting with setting up your organization network, a project structure, programmes, result frameworks and budget formats. All team members and partners can be granted involvement-based access. A personalized dashboard displays upcoming task notifications, alerts and all the information you need at a glance to remain in control by monitoring the progress of your projects.

Are you ready for project-based working?

We can assess your project organization and mix & match modules to find the perfect fit to your needs. Of course, we are happy to showcase you the benefits of ProjectConnect based on your project data. Contact us today!

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